
    Dr. Umar Johnson RIPS Lebron James & JJ Redick’s Podcast!

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    Dr. Umar Johnson, a controversial educational psychologist and activist, has caused quite a stir with his recent comments on Lebron James and JJ Redick’s podcast. In a scathing critique, Johnson did not hold back in his criticism of the NBA superstars.

    During the podcast, Johnson lashed out at James and Redick, accusing them of being sellouts and perpetuating harmful stereotypes within the black community. He called out James for his involvement with Nike and what he perceives as a lack of true commitment to uplifting his community.

    “Lebron James is nothing but a puppet for the white man. He’s selling shoes and promoting a lifestyle that is detrimental to our youth,” Johnson declared on the podcast.

    He also took aim at Redick, denouncing the NBA player for his perceived lack of engagement in social activism and for not using his platform to speak out against injustices.

    The podcast episode quickly went viral, with fans of James and Redick expressing outrage at Johnson’s harsh words. However, Johnson’s supporters lauded him for speaking truth to power and calling out prominent figures in the black community for their perceived shortcomings.

    Johnson’s comments have sparked a heated debate online, with many questioning the validity of his statements and others applauding him for his bravery in speaking out against powerful figures. It remains to be seen how James and Redick will respond to Johnson’s criticisms, but one thing is for certain – this controversy is far from over. Stay tuned for more updates on this developing story.
