
    Jeezy Denies Fathering Second Child with Jeannie Mai Before Divorce

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    Jeezy Alleges Jeannie Mai Wanted Another Child Via IVF Amid Divorce Proceedings

    The ongoing divorce drama between rapper Jeezy and his soon-to-be ex-wife Jeannie Mai has taken a new turn with shocking allegations revealed in court documents obtained by People. According to Jeezy, Jeannie wanted to have another child with him via in-vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment after he expressed his intention to file for divorce in June 2023.

    The couple had reportedly been trying to conceive naturally for over a year without success, leading Jeannie to suggest IVF. However, Jeezy declined to go through with the procedure, which allegedly sparked a series of abuse allegations from Jeannie.

    In the court documents, Jeezy’s lawyers argue that Jeannie’s claims of abuse stem from his refusal to have another child with her, questioning why she would want to have a second baby with someone she accuses of being violent and irresponsible.

    Jeezy also alleges that Jeannie introduced strife, abuse, and volatility into their marriage and that she was used to docile men. He has vehemently denied all claims of harm, stating that the allegations are false and deeply disturbing.

    As the divorce proceedings continue, Jeezy is focused on fighting for joint custody of their daughter and maintaining his character amidst the turmoil. The truth, he insists, will prevail through the proper legal channels.

    The revelations in these court documents shed new light on the complexities of the Jeezy and Jeannie Mai divorce saga, leaving fans and followers eager to see how the situation will unfold.
