
    What Joe Biden Ought to Say to Morehouse Graduates

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    President Biden’s Address to Morehouse College Class of 2024: What Should He Say?

    President Biden’s upcoming address to the Morehouse College class of 2024 is met with skepticism and high expectations from young Black voters, especially young Black men. As the president’s approval ratings continue to drop, many are questioning whether his response to Israel’s war is costing him re-election.

    Driving to Morehouse College, I spoke with graduates who seemed unimpressed by the president’s visit, viewing it as political pandering. They are looking for more than just rhetoric; they want to see concrete actions that address the issues affecting their community.

    One pressing issue is the mental health crisis among young Black men, with suicide rates on the rise. The Biden-Harris administration has been investing in suicide prevention and mental health services for communities of color, but more needs to be done to address this urgent issue.

    President Biden must also address the concerns of young Black voters who feel unloved, unheard, and unsupported by the Democratic Party. He needs to validate their frustrations and offer tangible solutions to the challenges they face.

    Furthermore, the president must empower the Morehouse graduates to take on leading roles in shaping the nation’s future. Reminding them of their legacy of excellence and social change, President Biden should encourage them to use their voices and votes to drive positive change in the country.

    As President Biden prepares to address the Morehouse College class of 2024, he has a critical opportunity to connect with young Black voters and earn their support. The next six months will be crucial in determining whether he can make his case and secure their votes in the upcoming election.
