
    JJ Redick, New Lakers Coach, Denies Allegations of Using N-Word at Duke

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    Allegations of Racial Slur Against Newly Appointed Lakers Head Coach JJ Redick

    The newly appointed Los Angeles Lakers head coach, JJ Redick, is facing allegations of using a racial slur during his college playing days at Duke University. The controversy erupted after author Halleemah Nash claimed on social media that Redick had called her the N-word while she was working with the Duke basketball team. Nash’s LinkedIn profile indicates that she worked with the team in 2003 and 2004, during Redick’s time at Duke from 2002 to 2006.

    Redick has vehemently denied the allegations, with a spokesperson stating that the incident never occurred. Nash later provided additional context, acknowledging the potential for personal growth and reflecting on the intersection of race, privilege, and accountability.

    Despite the allegations, Redick, a former NBA player with a successful media career, is focused on his new role as the Lakers head coach. The basketball community and fans will be closely monitoring how Redick and the Lakers organization handle the situation as they prepare for the upcoming NBA season.

    The allegations have added an unexpected challenge for Redick as he steps into his new role with the Lakers, a team that includes superstar LeBron James. As the situation unfolds, all eyes will be on Redick and the Lakers to see how they navigate this controversy and move forward.
