
    Protest in Kenya Leads to Tear-Gassing of Barack Obama’s Half Sister

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    Auma Obama Caught in Tear Gas During Kenyan Protests

    Auma Obama, the half-sister of former US President Barack Obama, found herself in the midst of chaos as she attended the ‘Goldene Bild der Frau’ award in Hamburg, Germany, on October 21, 2017. While she was being honored at the event, back in Kenya, a wave of protests known as the “7 Days of Rage” was sweeping the nation in response to a tax hike imposed by the Finance Bill 2024.

    In a dramatic turn of events, live footage captured Auma Obama being teargassed alongside a group of protestors on the streets of Kenya. Despite the chaos and discomfort caused by the tear gas, Auma remained steadfast in her support for the young demonstrators fighting for their rights.

    In an interview with CNN anchor Larry Madowo, Auma expressed her solidarity with the protestors, emphasizing the importance of listening to the voices of the youth. She highlighted the struggles faced by the younger generation in Kenya, who were using flags and banners as their only means of protest.

    The protests in Kenya have escalated, with reports of violence and casualties emerging. Auma Obama’s presence on the ground, standing with the protestors, serves as a powerful symbol of unity and support for those fighting against the injustices they face.

    Despite the challenging circumstances, Auma Obama remained resilient and reassured well-wishers of her safety. Her actions and words during the protests exemplify her commitment to advocating for the rights and voices of the Kenyan people.
