
    Man named Karen verbally attacks Black grandmother with racist insults and threats

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    Racist Road Rage Incident Caught on Camera in Biloxi, Mississippi: Black Grandmother Targeted

    A Black grandmother in Biloxi, Mississippi, became the victim of a racist road rage incident that was captured on camera, sparking outrage and calls for justice in the community. Neco Eley was driving with her 6-year-old son when a white man in a silver Mercedes-Benz began driving erratically near her on U.S. 90.

    Fearing for her safety, Eley started recording the encounter on her phone as the man behind her unleashed a tirade of racist slurs and threats. He told her to “go back to Africa” and threatened to physically harm her with a tire iron. The disturbing harassment lasted for nearly six minutes before the man sped off, leaving Eley shaken and unable to sleep.

    Despite filing a simple assault charge against the perpetrator, no arrest warrant has been issued by the judge. However, Eley remains determined to seek justice for the traumatic experience she endured. Biloxi Council member Felix Gines condemned the racist language used in the incident, emphasizing that such behavior has no place in their community.

    Biloxi Police Captain Grandver Everett assured that they believe the law was broken and are prepared to assist Eley with any additional charges she may pursue. The incident may result in a disturbing the peace charge, carrying penalties of a $500 fine or up to six months in jail. The community stands in solidarity with Eley, demanding accountability for the perpetrator’s hateful actions.
