
    Mase Remembers Alleged Setup by Big L for Robbery

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    Ma$e Claims Big L Set Him Up for Robbery: The Untold Story

    The shocking revelation made by Ma$e on the It Is What It Is podcast has sent shockwaves through the hip-hop community. The former Bad Boy rapper claimed that the late Big L set him up multiple times to be robbed, leading to a dangerous encounter in Harlem.

    The feud between Ma$e and Big L escalated after a heated argument, with Ma$e finding himself in a dangerous situation on the streets of Harlem. The incident involved a robbery attempt where Ma$e was threatened at gunpoint, only to later discover that it was Big L who orchestrated the setup.

    This revelation has shed new light on the complicated relationships within the rap community and the dangers that come with fame and success. Ma$e’s account of the events has sparked conversations about loyalty, betrayal, and the harsh realities of life in the music industry.

    The involvement of other prominent figures like Fat Joe, who was unwittingly dragged into the feud between Ma$e and Big L, adds another layer of complexity to the story. The fallout from these events has left a lasting impact on Ma$e, who admitted that he never trusted Fat Joe again after the incident.

    As fans and critics alike grapple with the shocking details revealed by Ma$e, the story of betrayal and deception continues to unfold. The legacy of Big L, once revered as a talented rapper, is now tarnished by these allegations of treachery. The repercussions of these events are sure to reverberate throughout the hip-hop community for years to come.
