
    Biden-Harris 2024 Launches Ad Addressing Supreme Court Abortion Ruling

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    “Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign Releases TV Ad Highlighting Dangers of Abortion Bans Nationwide”

    The Biden-Harris 2024 campaign has launched a powerful TV ad highlighting the dangers of over 20 abortion bans currently in effect across the country. The ad features Dr. Lauren Miller, a high-risk obstetrician who was forced to leave Idaho due to its severe abortion ban, which could have led to criminal charges for providing life-saving care.

    Following the Supreme Court ruling in Moyle v. United States, which limited access to emergency abortion care, the ad emphasizes the ongoing threat to women’s health and lives. With Donald Trump’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, extreme abortion bans have been implemented, putting doctors at risk of jail time for treating patients in life-threatening situations.

    Campaign Manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez stated, “Women’s health, lives, and freedoms remain in peril across the country because of Donald Trump. If Trump returns to the White House, he and his allies would ban abortion in all 50 states, putting even more women’s lives at risk.”

    President Biden has called for a federal law to restore Roe v. Wade protections and ensure reproductive health care access in all states. The ad showcases the devastating consequences women face due to these bans, including miscarriages in emergency room lobbies and life-threatening complications following miscarriages.

    The Biden-Harris campaign warns that Trump’s push for a nationwide abortion ban would only worsen these tragedies if he wins in November. The ad serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to protect women’s reproductive rights and access to essential healthcare services.
