
    Black Republicans Seek to Influence Voters in Favor of Donald Trump

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    Black Republican Congressmen Wesley Hunt and Byron Donalds Make Case for Trump to Black Voters

    Two Black Republicans, U.S. Reps. Wesley Hunt of Texas and Byron Donalds of Florida, are making waves as they try to persuade Black men to vote for Donald Trump in the upcoming November election. Their latest effort, the “Congress, Cognac and Cigars” event held in suburban Atlanta, aimed to explain why President Biden is not the right choice for Black folks.

    Despite facing a mostly Democratic crowd of about 100 attendees at the cigar lounge, Hunt and Donalds faced pushback from the audience. Many attendees expressed frustration with Biden and the Democrats but recognized the dangers Trump poses to the Black community.

    NBC News reports that several attendees challenged the two Black allies on their voting record and positions on issues like immigration and reparations. The event grew contentious, with audience members interrupting responses and defending the GOP’s hardline immigration policies.

    While Hunt and Donalds may not have swayed a large portion of Black Democrats, they believe they could help Trump swing about 25 percent to his side. Voter surveys indicate that Biden is vulnerable, with the race tied nationally among registered voters.

    The Georgia gathering was the second in a series of planned events, with the next one scheduled for Milwaukee. As the election draws near, the efforts of Hunt and Donalds to appeal to Black voters could have a significant impact on the outcome in key swing states.
