
    Georgia Supreme Court Denies Motion to Remove Judge in YSL Young Thug RICO Trial

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    Supreme Court of Georgia Dismisses Deamonte Kendrick’s Emergency Motion in YSL Young Thug RICO Trial

    The YSL Young Thug RICO trial in Atlanta continues to make headlines as the Supreme Court of Georgia has dismissed Deamonte Kendrick’s emergency motion to disqualify Fulton County Chief Judge Ural Glanville from overseeing his case. This decision means that Judge Glanville will remain in charge of the trial, at least for the time being.

    Kendrick’s request for the judge’s disqualification came after a meeting involving Judge Glanville, assistant district attorneys, a state’s witness, and the witness’s attorney. Kendrick’s attorneys argued that the judge improperly denied their motion without referring it to another judge, leading to their request for his recusal.

    In an unconventional legal move, Kendrick’s attorney bypassed the typical appellate process and argued that the case would ultimately return to Judge Glanville. The motion also sought an unredacted transcript of the meeting in question.

    The Supreme Court emphasized its policy of using original jurisdiction only in exceptional cases and noted that Kendrick had not pursued standard legal remedies, such as filing a standalone mandamus petition in the superior court. The court clarified that if such a petition were filed, Chief Judge Glanville would automatically be disqualified, and another judge would be assigned to the matter.

    With the dismissal of Kendrick’s emergency petition for a writ of mandamus and a stay of proceedings, the YSL RICO trial will continue under the oversight of Chief Judge Glanville. Stay tuned for more updates as the legal drama unfolds.
