
    Kerry Washington Advocates for Removal of Felony Check Box on Job Applications

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    Kerry Washington Questions Why Trump Doesn’t Have to Jump Through Bureaucratic Hoops Like Other Felons

    As convicted felon Donald Trump continues his campaign for president, actress Kerry Washington is raising important questions about the double standards faced by felons, particularly Black individuals, in the criminal justice system.

    Washington, known for her role in “Scandal,” expressed her concerns about the treatment of convicted felons in a recent interview while promoting the upcoming season of “UnPrisoned.” She highlighted the disparities in how felons are perceived and the obstacles they face in regaining their rights, such as voting.

    The actress pointed out the irony of Governor Ron DeSantis’ efforts to restrict voting rights for formerly incarcerated individuals in Florida, while ensuring that Trump, a convicted felon, can still vote in the upcoming election. Washington criticized the outdated practice of asking about felony records on job applications, calling for the removal of such questions to give felons a fair chance at employment.

    The movement to “Ban the Box” and eliminate questions about felony records is gaining traction, with Washington advocating for a more inclusive and equitable approach to reintegration for convicted felons. She emphasized that being labeled a felon should not define a person’s capabilities or potential.

    Washington’s comments have sparked a conversation on social media, with many users supporting her stance on the need for reform in the criminal justice system. As “UnPrisoned” Season 2 premieres on July 12, the actress’s advocacy for the rights of convicted felons continues to resonate with audiences.
