
    Analysis of polls shows that Trump is not popular among Black and Latino communities despite his efforts to gain their support.

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    Analysis: Trump Struggles to Gain Support Among Black and Hispanic Voters

    Donald Trump is gearing up for his third Republican nomination acceptance, with a focus on expanding his coalition to include more nonwhite voters who largely rejected him in the 2020 election. However, recent polls conducted by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research show that Trump still faces challenges in winning over Black and Hispanic Americans.

    The analysis reveals that about 7 in 10 Black Americans have a somewhat or very unfavorable view of Trump, while about half of Hispanic Americans share the same sentiment. Despite a slight increase in favorability since leaving office in 2021, Trump’s overall image among these groups remains more negative than positive.

    Trump’s hopes of gaining support among Black and Hispanic Americans are crucial, as he only won 35% of Hispanic voters and 8% of Black voters in 2020. However, his opponent, President Joe Biden, has also seen a decline in favorability among these groups since taking office.

    Overall, most Americans have a negative view of Trump, with about 6 in 10 U.S. adults holding an unfavorable opinion of him. Even a felony conviction did not significantly impact public perception of Trump, as polls showed minimal change in his favorability following the conviction.

    While Trump has claimed to have strong support from Hispanic communities, the analysis shows that about half of Hispanic adults still view him unfavorably. Similarly, Black adults continue to have largely negative views of Trump, with about 7 in 10 holding an unfavorable opinion of him.

    Despite Trump’s efforts to appeal to nonwhite voters, the polls indicate that he still faces an uphill battle in winning over these demographics. Biden’s declining favorability among Black and Hispanic Americans also presents challenges for both candidates as they seek to expand their support base.
