
    Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem Faces Dramatic Events

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    Controversy Surrounding Election of New Pastor at Abyssinian Baptist Church

    The Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem is currently embroiled in controversy following the election of Rev. Kevin Johnson as the new pastor, replacing the beloved Rev. Dr. Calvin O. Butts III who passed away in 2022. The election process, which took two years to complete, has left many longtime members feeling confused and disheartened.

    According to reports, the Pastoral Search Committee, established by Rev. Butts III before his passing, faced internal strife and accusations of a flawed process. Despite growing concerns from members, the committee proceeded with the election, ultimately naming Rev. Johnson as the new pastor in June 2024.

    However, the legitimacy of Rev. Johnson’s election has been called into question by some church members, including historian Dr. Kevin McGruder, who argue that Johnson did not receive the required number of votes as outlined in the church’s bylaws. Allegations of corruption, including the claim that election ballots were sent to deceased church members, have further fueled the controversy.

    In response to these claims, Abyssinian spokesperson LaToya Evans dismissed the accusations of corruption as coming from a vocal minority and reiterated that Rev. Johnson’s election will not be overturned. Despite the ongoing disputes, Rev. Johnson’s formal installation is scheduled to take place in September.

    The impact of this controversy has been felt within the church community, with some members choosing to leave Abyssinian while others have joined in the wake of Rev. Johnson’s election. The future of the church remains uncertain as members grapple with questions of trust and transparency in the wake of this divisive election process.
