Lee Daniels Explores Horror Genre with “The Deliverance” – A Spiritual Journey Through Film
Award-winning director and producer Lee Daniels has ventured into a new genre with the release of his latest film, “The Deliverance.” This suspenseful horror film reimagines the true story of Latoya Ammons, who claimed her children were possessed by a demonic spirit in Gary, Indiana, in 2011. Despite initial reservations due to spiritual reasons, Daniels felt compelled to bring this story to the screen.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Daniels shared his personal struggle with the decision to make the film, citing the need to reconnect with his higher power. He took precautions on set, including having a deliverer present at all times to protect the cast and crew from any spiritual implications. Daily prayers were also a part of the routine to ensure everyone felt safe.
The film also marks a reunion between Daniels and actress Mo’Nique, showcasing forgiveness and reconciliation. The cast includes Andra Day, Caleb McLaughlin, and Glenn Close, whose controversial casting as a white woman in a Black family has sparked debate online. Despite the criticism, Daniels defends his choice, stating that Close’s character represents a familiar figure in the Black community.
While the film has faced critiques, Daniels hopes that “The Deliverance” will inspire viewers spiritually. He aims to bring audiences closer to their higher power, whether it be Jesus, Allah, Buddha, or any other spiritual belief. Through this film, Daniels seeks to explore themes of forgiveness, redemption, and the power of spirituality in dark times.