
    Ananda Lewis, Former MTV VJ, Faces Spread of Breast Cancer Despite Decision to Keep Tumor: ‘I Thought I Had This’

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    Former MTV VJ Ananda Lewis Opens Up About Her Stage IV Breast Cancer Journey

    Former MTV VJ Ananda Lewis has been open about her battle with breast cancer, revealing that her cancer has now reached stage IV after initially being diagnosed at stage III in 2020. In a candid discussion with CNN’s Stephanie Elam and Sara Sidner, Lewis shared her journey and the unconventional approach she took in treating her cancer.

    Despite her doctor’s recommendation for a double mastectomy, Lewis chose to focus on holistic methods to remove toxins from her body. She opted to keep her tumor and explore alternative treatments, including medication, radiation, improving her sleep and diet, and homeopathic remedies. However, her cancer eventually spread, leading to a difficult realization and a conversation with death.

    Lewis, who is married to Harry Smith, brother of actor Will Smith, and a mother to their son Langston, expressed her frustration and determination to fight for her life. Sidner, who also battled stage III breast cancer, emphasized the importance of quality of life and finding joy amidst the challenges of the disease.

    This discussion comes during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, highlighting the rising diagnoses in younger women and the disparities in cancer outcomes among different racial groups. While Black women like Lewis and Sidner may not be diagnosed as frequently as white women, they are more likely to die from cancer due to various factors such as healthcare barriers, lifestyle, and family history.

    The conversation serves as a reminder of the importance of early detection and proper treatment in improving survival rates after a cancer diagnosis. As Elam noted, the goal is to encourage women to prioritize their health and seek regular screenings to ensure long and healthy lives.
