
    Black Employees at General Mills Plant in Georgia Accuse Company of Racism

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    Black Employees Sue General Mills for Decades-Long History of Racism in Atlanta Plant

    Food processing giant General Mills is facing legal action from a group of Black employees at a suburban Atlanta plant, who are accusing the company of perpetuating racism for decades. The lawsuit, filed on June 2, alleges that white employees have been favored over Black employees since the 1980s.

    The plaintiffs claim that a group of white managers and human resources employees, known as the “Good Ole Boys,” engaged in discriminatory practices such as promoting less qualified white employees over Black employees and using racist symbols to intimidate Black employees from speaking out. One example cited in the suit is a mural in the factory that depicted General Mills mascots as Confederate leaders.

    In another disturbing incident, a Black employee found “KKK” written on his lunchbox in 2006 and was forced to provide a writing sample to prove his innocence. The lawsuit states that the “Good Ole Boys” used racist symbols and history to keep Black employees in a subordinate position and discourage them from challenging the company’s discriminatory practices.

    General Mills has not yet commented on the lawsuit, but the plaintiffs are seeking compensatory and punitive damages for the hundreds of Black employees who have allegedly suffered adverse employment actions in recent years. The company’s Human Rights Policy claims to value diversity and ensure a safe working environment for all employees, but the lawsuit paints a different picture of the company’s internal culture.
