
    Woman accused of defrauding disabled individuals linked to 20 deaths

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    Woman Charged with Endangerment and Murder Linked to Deaths of Up to 20 Individuals in Pursuit of Profit

    A shocking case of abuse and murder has rocked the community of Tarrant County, as police uncover a potential serial killer in the form of Regla “Su” Becquer, the owner of Love & Caring for People LLC. What was advertised as a company providing in-house care for bed-bound individuals has turned out to be a house of horrors, with up to 20 deaths possibly linked to the organization.

    The investigation began when a victim with cerebral palsy and diabetes was found neglected and abused at one of Becquer’s properties in Arlington. The victim, who had attempted suicide as a cry for help, revealed the horrifying conditions she endured under Becquer’s care, leading to the arrest of the company owner on charges of abandonment and endangerment.

    Further digging by police uncovered a disturbing pattern of deaths among Becquer’s clients, with at least 20 individuals dying under suspicious circumstances. One autopsy revealed that a client had died from mixed drug toxicity, with drugs not prescribed by doctors found in their system. This led to the ruling of homicide in that case and the charging of Becquer with murder.

    Additionally, police found that many of the individuals under Becquer’s care had relinquished all their property to her company and family members, with wills being manipulated to benefit the organization. Lt. Kimberly Harris described the situation as unprecedented in her 23 years as an officer, emphasizing the disturbing nature of the case.

    As the investigation continues, the full extent of the crimes committed by Becquer and her company is yet to be uncovered. The community is left reeling from the revelation that a place meant for care and compassion turned out to be a den of exploitation and death.
