
    Kamala Harris: A Candidate for All Americans

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    The Cure for MAGA: Why Kamala Harris is the Antidote to White Power

    In a groundbreaking op-ed, writer Michael Harriot delves into the concept of “MAGA” and its association with white power in American politics. Harriot highlights the historical context of white supremacy in the United States, tracing it back to the Founding Fathers and the era of Jim Crow segregation. He points out how Donald Trump capitalized on this sentiment to garner support from his base, promising to “Make America Great Again.”

    Harriot introduces a new perspective on the MAGA movement, suggesting that the true antidote to its divisive rhetoric lies in the candidacy of Kamala Harris. He argues that Harris, with her background in law and order, education, and experience, is the candidate who embodies the values of making America great. Harriot contrasts Harris’s qualifications with those of Trump, highlighting her achievements and track record of success.

    The writer also addresses the concerns and misconceptions surrounding Harris’s candidacy, pointing out the potential side effects of electing her as president. He humorously lists the possible outcomes, including white backlash, dog whistles, disputed elections, conspiracy theories, and the ongoing race war in America.

    Harriot concludes by urging readers to consider the evidence and make an informed decision when it comes to voting in the upcoming election. He presents Harris as a candidate who can truly unite the country and work towards making America great for all its citizens. The op-ed offers a thought-provoking analysis of the current political landscape and challenges readers to rethink their perceptions of the MAGA movement.
