
    The National Association of Black Journalists urged to withdraw Donald Trump’s invitation to the cookout

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    Opinion: Black Journalists and the Dilemma of Donald Trump’s Appearance at NABJ Event

    The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) is facing controversy over its decision to invite former President Donald Trump to speak at their annual convention. The decision has sparked debate within the organization and the broader journalism community.

    The NABJ has a long history of advocating for Black journalists and promoting diversity in the media industry. However, some members feel that inviting Trump, who has a history of making racist and inflammatory remarks towards Black journalists, goes against the organization’s values.

    In an op-ed piece, writer Michael Harriot expresses his frustration with the decision to invite Trump. He argues that welcoming Trump to an event meant to protect Black journalists is akin to inviting a slave catcher to an abolitionist meeting. Harriot questions the motives behind the invitation, suggesting that some members may be seeking validation from white audiences.

    Harriot emphasizes the importance of protecting Black journalists and standing up against racism in the media industry. He calls for a focus on truth and freedom, rather than appeasing those who seek to undermine the voices of Black journalists.

    The controversy surrounding Trump’s invitation to the NABJ convention highlights the ongoing challenges faced by Black journalists in the industry. It also raises important questions about the role of journalism in promoting diversity and challenging systemic racism.
